The Elementary School Mavromatakis – Mitera comprises six divisions with a limited number of students which can register in order of priority.  It supports the operation of the principle that students of school age benefit by the presence of a polyvalent teacher, who guides and inspires children to acquire knowledge and develop their personalities in accordance with modern scientific data.  The teacher is ready to stand next to each student individually with understanding and love. Along with the class teacher, a Physical Education – Swimming, arts, music, English, French, German and IT professor assists with the “educational goods” to be acquired by each student.  Students have access to and operate in a civilized and safe environment of modern facilities. The elementary school is open to society and at every opportunity interacts with it always with the benefit of its students in mind. For example two-day experiential learning programs, and organized regular visits to places of cultural reference, cooperation with cultural and municipal bodies, participation in school tournaments etc. Lunch is available at request and the extended schedule permits students to study and prepare the course of the next day. Upon request students can also make use of the school buses.